Already have a bench in your workshop? Only need a small portable fixture slab/block you can store and pull out when you need? The MAC MiniPRO is the ideal option to drop on your bench, level up with the supplied adjust...
Already have a bench in your workshop? Only need a small portable fixture slab/block you can store and pull out when you need? The MAC MiniPRO is the ideal option to drop on your bench, level up with the supplied adjust...
Already have a bench in your workshop? Only need a small portable fixture slab/block you can store and pull out when you need? The MAC MiniPRO is the ideal option to drop on your bench, level up with the supplied adjust...
The perfect table for the hobbyist & beginners to join us in the world of fixture table fabrication. All parts are 6mm HRPO S275 Steel which when assembled correctly you have a truly flat and accurate surface.
The perfect table for the hobbyist & beginners to join us in the world of fixture table fabrication. All parts are 6mm HRPO S275 Steel which when assembled correctly you have a truly flat and accurate surface.